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Beauty and Brains was created for the business owner, side hustler, and idea enthusiast who want to focus on their passion. We've stepped in to take care of all of your paperwork while teaching you how to grow and fund your business. 

Deionna spent over a decade working with large organizations in the non-profit and education sector. She has a B.A. in Communication Studies, an MPA and an MBA in addition to being a licensed realtor. As a project manager at UCLA; streamlining workloads in multiple departments, writing grants and managing contract and compliance issues, she was inspired to start her own business.


After embarking on her own beauty business and filing all of the necessary documents with the city, state and IRS, Deionna quickly learned that many professionals in the industry liked to solely focus on their creative talents.

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"I didn't like working a 9-5 so I decided to become my own boss; now I teach others how to do the same."

Deionna Gipson, CEO and Founder



The arduous rules, regulations and paperwork necessary to stay in compliance left many small business owners confused, stressed and frustrated. Deionna decided to utilize her academic and professional background, along with her new understanding of beauty professionals, to launch her second business, Beauty and Brains LLC.

Beauty and Brains LLC was created to assist small business owners like herself in all industries properly create and register their businesses while allowing the owners to focus on their passion.

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